Dashboards, Graphs & Reports all with one click!

Built In Dashboards, Graphs and Reports within Klipboard CRM…
klipboard Basics

Back to the Basics!

Replacing a very expensive CRM system which had a…
B2B or B2C

B2B or B2C or Both?

Klipboard simplified managing both B2B and B2C leads for…
Lead management!

Higher Sales Conversion due to superior Lead management!

Klipboard CRM enabled one of our early adopter customers…
How Teams Can Use Klipboard

How Teams Can Use Klipboard To Collaborate With Contractors

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Team Meeting

5 Types Of Boundaries To Start Setting With Your Team

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Team Member

The Most Common Project Blockers And Ways To Eliminate Them

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New To Project Management? Here Are 50 Terms You Should Know

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Team Member

Accomplish more with these pre-built Klipboard workflows designed for teams.

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